Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sliding Text Effect Using Jquery

Sliding Text Effect Using Jquery
by: Marvin

Create a cool ‘sliding’ text effect to your blog's WordPress template with this JQuery tutorial. The goal is to animate your text in a sliding manner when you hover over anchored text. The text switches to a new one by sliding in the new text at once or one letter at a time. This web design mockup experiment will add a lively feature to your site and to any other blog themes.

Use Lettering.js jQuery Plugin ( at Github (

Begin with the HTML code.

1              <div class="slide_cases">
2                  <a href="#" id="case1" data-hover="Creativity">Illustrations</a>
3              </div>

To indicate the text that should appear on the hover, we must use data-hover. If not, the text elements won’t switch.

Follow this format:

01           .slide_cases{
02               float:left;
03               font-family: 'Averia', cambria, serif;
04               font-size:40px;
05               line-height:40px;
06               color:#ffcccc;
07               margin-right:5px;
08               text-transform:uppercase;
09           }
10           .slide_cases a{
11               display:block;
12               position :relative;
13               float:left;
14               clear:both;
15               color:#0000cc;
16           }
17           .slide_cases a > span{
18               height:40px;
19               float:left;
20               position:relative;
21               overflow:hidden;
22           }
23           .slide_cases a span span{
24               position:absolute;
25               display:block;
26               left:0px;
27               top:0px;
28               text-align:center;
29           }
30           .slide_cases a span span.slide-w1{
31               color:#0000cc;
32               text-shadow:0px 0px 1px #0000cc;
33               z-index:2;
34           }
35           .slide_cases a span span.slide-w2{
36               color:#993366;
37               text-shadow:-1px 1px 2px #cc3366;
38               z-index:3;
39           }

"Slide-w1" will be letters to form the first word while "slide-w2" will form the second word.

Then the plugin :

1              $(window).load(function(){
2                  $('#case1').hoverwords({ delay:50 });
3              });

You can use these settings :

1              delay       : false,        // each letter will have different animation times
2              speed       : 300,          // animation speed
3              easing      : 'jswing',     // easing animation
4              dir         : 'leftright',  // leftright - current goes left, new one goes right || rightleft - current goes right, new one goes left,
5              overlay     : false,        // hover word slides on top of the current word (just for the case when the hover word equals word)
6              opacity     : true          // animate the letters’ opacity

You can easily learn web design techniques .... 

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