Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Slidenote- jQuery Plugin For Sliding Notifications

Slidenote- jQuery Plugin For Sliding Notifications | blogfreakz.com:
SlideNote is a customizable, flexible jQuery plugin that allow us to display sliding notifications on our website or in our web application. SlideNote is compatible with jQuery 1.4.3 and current versions of major browsers. IE8 is the only version of Internet Explorer that is officially supported.

slidenote1 Slidenote  jQuery Plugin For Sliding Notifications

To implement this plugin is pretty simple. We need to Include SlideNote in the header of our page, and then Apply the plugin to a single element or a set of elements.

SlideNote offers a set of five options that allow you to modify the behavior and/or content of the script.

You can view the whole article on the link above ... 

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